
Lisa_Browm_James_GuunВласница и директор „The English Book”, фирме  која је генерални заступник и дистрибутер у Србији  издавачких  кућа - Oxford Univesity Press i Macmillan Education, и   др  Џејмс Ган директор  фирме Greenhouse Capital  за односе са инвеститорима и корпоративне послове (Јамес А Gunn, Director, Investor Relations & Corporate Affairs) посетили су Универзитет у Нишу. Разлог њиховог доласка био је наставак разговора са ректором Универзитеа проф. др Драганом Антићем о могућностима  преквалификације особа са завршеним студијама које не могу да нађу запослење.

Такође, гости су ректору Антићу најавили предавање које ће председник Британско-српске привредне коморе сер Пол Џаџ ( Paul Judge chairman, British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce ) уважени британски стручњак из области права и економије, одржати на Универзитету у Нишу  уторак 05. марта у 11 сати. .

Сажетак предавања:

Nis can embrace an entrepreneurial spirit and have a long-term vision to
contend with the global economic crisis according to leading international
businessman Sir Paul Judge, chairman, British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Sir Paul’s comments will come during a lecture on globalisation at the
University of Nis.  With agribusiness a key sector in the Nis economy, the
Londoner worked for Cadbury Schweppes, and led the buyout of its food arm to
form Premier Brands.

He was subsequently chairman of Food From Britain, director general of the
United Kingdom Conservative Party and ministerial adviser, and plays key
roles in various organisations worldwide.

Sir Paul, president of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, believes that
global headlines around Serbia often do not bode well for investors.

However, as part of the Chamber, he is working to offer his services to
devise a long-term plan to aid economic growth in Serbia.

He thinks that Nis has always possessed a strong entrepreneurial spirit and
strong manufacturing and agricultural base, but people in southern Serbia
have to compete against places like Vietnam and China where exports can be
made cheaper and faster.

Building on the values of tolerance and diversity promulgated by the Edict
of Milan 1,700 years ago, young people from Nis can develop an understanding
of the wider world and shape the economic future of Nis to become more
attractive to foreign investors, and identify global markets for goods and
services from Nis.

Nis is working hard to enhance its education system, infrastructure and can
boast an attractive cost of living.